Binge Eating Therapy in Lincoln – Help For Eating Disorders

How Binge Eating Therapy Can Change Your Relationship With Food

binge eating therapy in LincolnAre you looking for binge eating therapy in Lincoln or online and are not sure what therapy involves?

At Balance Hypnosis we are specialists in helping binge eating disorders and have a 5 session program that we use to work with our clients which uses therapy, coaching, hypnosis, NLP and mindfulness to help you create positive change.

Binge eating involves consuming unusually large amounts of food in a short timeframe, often to the point of discomfort or pain. If you have a binge eating disorder experience then you usually experience frequent episodes of overeating paired with feelings of loss of control and shame.

This distressing cycle carries substantial health risks and often harms self-image. The good news is several forms of therapy can help individuals overcome binge eating disorders and develop a healthier relationship with food.

This article explores the factors behind binge eating, how therapy facilitates change, and what to expect from our treatment program.

What Causes Binge Eating Disorder?

Experts have not pinpointed one specific cause for binge eating disorder. Influencing factors may include:

  • Biology – Genetics, brain chemistry, or satiety signaling issues.
  • Psychology – Using food to manage emotions, past trauma, and poor self-esteem.
  • Social – Peer pressure, bullying around weight, cultural attitudes about body image.
  • Family – Modeling of eating habits observed in parents and siblings.
  • Stress and Anxiety – Anxiety about body image or not looking good can create negative feelings.
  • Restriction – Restriction of calories makes you hungry and makes you more likely to overeat.

Often a combination of biological, psychological and social factors contribute. The key point is that binge eating serves a purpose for the individual, like numbing difficult emotions. Therapy helps uncover roots and develop new coping tools.

How Does Therapy Help Those with Binge Eating Disorder?

Therapy is adapted for binge eating to help individuals:

  • Recognize automatic thoughts and emotional triggers eliciting binge urges.
  • Challenge distorted thinking patterns about food, weight, and body image.
  • Improve ability to tolerate distress and regulate difficult emotions.
  • Establish healthier mechanisms to cope with stressors.
  • Strengthen motivation and commitment to change binge behaviors.
  • Modify behavior through goal setting, problem solving, and exposure exercises.
  • Restore balanced eating habits and attitudes.

Our Binge Eating Therapy in Lincoln offers judgement-free support to understand root causes, build self-awareness, and implement gradual changes through evidence-based tools.

During our sessions, all our clients receive our binge eating worksheets which can help you to become more mindful about your emotions and how they link to your food choices. If you are not attending sessions you can still buy this in our online store.

binge eating worksheets and printables

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What to Expect from Binge Eating Treatment Programs

Our comprehensive binge-eating treatment uses a holistic approach to addressing dysfunctional thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Though programs vary and are tailored to each client common components include:

Comprehensive assessment – Thoroughly evaluating medical history, relationship with food, binge triggers, co-occurring conditions like anxiety or depression, and other relevant factors.

Individual therapy – One-on-one online therapy focused on recognising personal treatment goals, improving coping abilities, and overcoming resistance to change.

Relapse prevention planning – Detecting potential triggers and high-risk scenarios, proactively preparing coping strategies.

A tailored combination of services enhances the likelihood of overcoming binge eating behaviors permanently.

Our therapy for binge eating looks at all aspects of your life to help you make positive changes. Improving general health and well-being impacts your food choices and helps you to create a better relationship with food.

Therapy Tools and Techniques

Specific techniques we may include in our programs include:

Self-monitoring – Tracking details like timing, triggers, thoughts and feelings before and after binge episodes to build self-awareness.

Trigger management – Identifying situations and emotional states triggering binge urges; developing strategies to cope with them constructively.

Mindfulness practices – Learning meditation, focused breathing and grounding exercises to reduce stress and remain centered when cravings arise.

Cognitive restructuring – Recognizing and countering irrational or unhealthy thoughts about food, self-judgment, weight that contribute to disordered eating.

Distress tolerance skills – Building abilities to manage difficult emotions in a healthy way rather than through binge eating.

Relapse prevention planning – Detecting warning signs and having coping strategies in place ahead of time.

With support implementing these tools over time, individuals can manage urges successfully and sustain recovery long-term.

We also give all our clients a self-hypnosis download to stop binge eating. If you are not on our programs but would like to use this as a form of self-help you can purchase it in our online store.

self-hypnosis binge eating download

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Seeking Help for Binge Eating Disorder

If binge eating feels out of control, speaking with a professional therapist is the vital first step. An experienced practitioner can provide treatment and give you practical advice on how to resolve the problem.

Look for a therapist knowledgeable about binge eating disorder counseling who makes you feel understood and supported. Therapy is most effective when you feel at ease opening up about thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

You deserve compassionate, evidence-based care that provides tools to overcome binge eating disorder and rebuild a healthy relationship with food and yourself.

Creating a Binge Eating Relapse Prevention Plan

An essential aspect of sustaining recovery from binge eating disorder is developing a detailed relapse prevention plan. This involves:

  • Pinpointing individual high-risk situations or emotional triggers.
  • Recognizing warning signs like negative body thoughts or urges to isolate.
  • Planning ahead with coping strategies – calling supports, using mindfulness or distraction techniques.
  • Listing motivating consequences of staying in control.
  • Practicing self-compassion rather than self-criticism if experiencing a temporary lapse.
  • Using lapses as learning experiences to strengthen future prevention efforts.

Having supports in place and strategies ready to use helps our clients break the binge eating cycle and have a healthier relationship with food.

Finding a Therapist Specializing in Binge Eating Disorder

If you would like more details about our binge eating therapy in Lincoln and online then simply email us or call to get more information about how our program can help you.

Call: 01636 650 521